Human Rights Violations of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) People in Paraguay: a shadow report

marzo 23, 2013

ENGLISH VERSION of the report presented jointly presented by Paraguayan civil society organization, Aireana, Grupo por los derechos de las lesbianas, the Paraguayan representatives of the Campaign for an InterAmerican Convention on Sexual and Reproductive Rights, and Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights.

The information presented is based on reports received and actions taken by the following organizations: Panambi, Asociación de Travestis, Transexuales y Trangénero de Paraguay; Paragay, Grupo de Acción Gay Lésbico; Ñepyru de la Ciudad de Coronel Oviedo; and
Aireana, Grupo por los derechos de las lesbianas.